Friday, September 26, 2008

I'm Just a Dog, But This Economic Crisis Affects Me, Too

OK ... now listen in.

I may be small, I may be only a dog, but I have some serious thoughts about all this money crises business. Nobody invited me to the meeting at the White House yesterday. How they thought that anything could get done without me being there just doesn't understand what I could have accomplished for the nation.

First of all, I would run around the table and make all those grumpy men and women smile and maybe giggle. Then I would jump up on each of their laps and whisper in their ears ... you are not here to keep your jobs, you are here to solve this serious problem ... and then maybe you would qualify to keep your jobs. Do what you are elected to do, and then I will lick your face.

But, because I wasn't there ... there was a mess. Yelling, pointing fingers, huffing and puffing, while all the time, the serious problem didn't get fixed. There wasn't anyone around that table that made me proud. Grrrrrr to them all.

Do your job. Fix the problem. Don't screw up ... or I'll bite your ankle ... and I've never done that in my life ... but that's how angry I am. Term limits for you all. I honestly don't know what that means but Herself is shouting it all around the apartment. And whatever she says I agree with completely. Just as long as she doesn't want term limits for me ... I intend to live with her forever.

Whew! I'm exhausted. I'm going to take a nap in my bed ... so you won't find me by the door. When I wake up ... I hope these characters got to work and did what Herself and I and all of us sent them down there to do ... fix things - not make them worse.

1 comment:

i said...

Hello Mystical! Thanks for dropping by. Hmm...that's a familiar scene around where I live too. Yup, lots of ranting and raving going on...Think we dogs would be a better leader?